Holly Cooke
Business Intelligence Manager
01303 765390
What’s your role in The Spark Agency?
Business Intelligence Manager
What does your day job entail?
Working alongside our MD and Spark Ops Manager to help drive Spark forwards. I work across Sleeping Giant Media, The Spark Agency and Giant Campus to analyse information about our businesses and client businesses to make sure we stay ahead on service delivery. This ranges from updating and creating new processes all the way through to reporting on performance.
Tea, coffee or other?
Both. Depends on the time of day but I drink coffee more often.
Which package is your favourite to work on and why?
SEO – there’s so much to SEO as a discipline that working on it in a package format is a really interesting prospect and means that we’re constantly innovating in that area.
Three truths & a lie about yourself:
- My favourite sport is football
- I danced on stage at Disneyland Paris
- I have my own horses that I ride
- I am a complete nerd: Excel, gaming, data… I’m there
Get in touch and see if you can find out which is the lie…
Contact Us
Top Floor, Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY
01303 765390