Lizzi Hill
Operations Manager
01303 765390
What’s your role in The Spark Agency?
I am the Operations Manager, which is a fancy term for ‘making stuff happen’. I work really closely with the team to ensure that our clients get the best service possible, as well as ensuring we get results for them. I also develop our new packages and processes and help to drive the department forward.
What does your day job entail?
No two days are the same! But typically lots of talking to clients, looking after my team, and getting my head stuck into a million different spreadsheets.
Tea, coffee or other?
Coffee – preferably iced, because I’m basic.
Which package is your favourite to work on and why?
Local SEO! Google My Business is my specialism and I think it’s a really under-utilised marketing tool so love being able to introduce clients to it and all of the wonderful things you can use it for.
Three truths & a lie about yourself:
- I once played the drums to an audience of 4,000 people
- I hate cheese
- Earlier this year I broke my little toe by slipping over a cucumber
- David Walliams has blocked me on Twitter and I still don’t know why.
Get in touch and see if you can find out which is the lie…
Contact Us
Top Floor, Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY
01303 765390